Friday, June 16, 2017

2nd Tantra Interview in Bulgarian TV

Въпреки изобилната информация във виртуалното пространство, на книжния пазар, достъпните психотерапевти и семинари съвременните отношения между мъжа и жената са крехки, незадоволителни и често кратки. Какво означава съзнателна връзка? Какви методи да използваме, за да изградим стабилни и щастливи отношения? Кои са петте езика на любовта? Това са част от въпросите, на които отговаря гостът Михал Кали Грикс . Той е учил в единствената в света Тантра Академия в Холандия. От четири години обикаля света и преподава кундалини йога, тантра йога и тантра масаж.

I´m very happy for this second interview in Bulgarian TV. I wish it will make energy ready for us to continue sharing Tantra in your country.

According this interview, we are also very thankful dear Friends:
Daniela Jakway not only for filming in beautiful Alania House, retreat centre, in the nature near Balcik,
Janeta Mileva for all help and Love
Christina Kotlarska for the wonderful show!
Ewgeni for translation
... and all people who are with us, who are supporting us on our mission

Hallo Lovely People!
We ask Unconditional Love, Universe and Nature to flow through us, to guide us, to allow us, to be a channel that the Love may flow from Universe and from Nature through our words to your minds and hearts. With that intentions, we go for solutions: To continue my school year, our retreats and our Love and tantric wisdom flowing in Bulgaria we have to find organiser of our events. In order to achieve this we count on all of you, who like us to keep coming to Bulgaria to support that process in any possible ways. We have some ideas:
1st Ask everyone around, people, places, organisers, especially in Sofia to manage our retreats.
2nd: Make everyone who is interested in Tantra as member of Tantra Movement Bulgaria fb group and to like our page(s)
3rd: Spread some info about us everywhere around in all possible ways. We feel most handy would be sharing TV interviews 

from 2016…
from 2017 (see above)
Of course inviting everyone to the group (everyone can do it):
and sharing the page:
.... and use your creativity. We love Bulgaria, we love all you there, we wish to continue, now is all up to you, my Friends and students
Michal Kali Griks and Alina Simuleac